A couple of years ago I had the most vivid dream. I awoke sensing and remembering the dream in minute detail and I haven’t been able to forget it ever since. I need to write this down, so here it is, my dream of light…
(The images used below don’t perfectly fit with the story of my dream of light – they are just used figuratively)
A Dream of Light
I find myself walking on some interesting cobbled paths for pedestrians. There are quite a few people walking and milling on these paths, a significant number but not overcrowded. It seems like a nice warm day, partly overcast but pleasant and bright. As I slowly walk along I see, up ahead, some canals with paths crossing in various places with cute, small footbridges. I have no idea how I got here. There is a place where two canals come together and a large footbridge spans the area of the merging. I’m on one side of this now in an area with some green, grassy lawns and across the large footbridge are some buildings that appear to be shops. There’s a larger concentration of people in front of these shops, and now it really is close to being overcrowded. Then I notice somebody is staring at me.

Amongst the crowd is a large figure. Much larger than any other person in the vicinity. He, at least I assume it’s a man, is looking straight at me even though I cannot see his face. He is large both in height and width and is wearing a dark cloak of some sort. The figure reminds me somewhat of Hagrid in Harry Potter even though I can see no defining features. It appears that nobody else is noticing him at all, but he certainly has noticed me. He’s definitely staring at me. Without seeing his face and without any movement from him at all, I know he wants me to follow him. I start to walk towards him.
As I begin to approach he turns and slowly walks away. I say he walks, but I don’t see the normal motion of walking, it’s more like he’s gliding. He’s definitely leading me somewhere. He glides along the cobbled path passing by what is a reasonably long row of shops. Even though he’s huge, he effortlessly moves between the other people, and again nobody seems to notice him. I’m still a good distance behind him but it’s not difficult at all to see where his large frame is going.
As he approaches the end of the row of shops, where the people begin to thin out, he stops and turns to look at me again. I wonder why as I keep walking slowly in his direction, then I notice he’s standing beside a doorway, or an entrance. Once again, without any indication from the figure, I know he’s taking me inside. As I get closer, he turns and glides through the entrance.

This is an entrance into a rather long corridor that has an industrial feel with corrugated iron for the walls and the ceiling and a plain cement floor. It’s quite dark in here. The figure stops again and turns to face me (I’m still not sure how I know he’s facing me as I still can’t see any face or features). He’s standing next to a doorway on the side of the corridor. As far as I can see, this is the only doorway in this corridor and it looks like an old, battered, industrial metal door. The figure stands still and allows me to walk closer and closer to him.
I slowly approach until I’m just a few feet away and then I stop. Still can’t see any face or features but that doesn’t seem to be important. Without saying any words, I know he’s communicating with me. He’s saying that behind this door is what I’ve been looking for and it’s safe for me to enter. Then the door opens of its own accord.

The corridor is a dark, unhappy feeling place, but behind this door is a brilliant light. Not brilliant like the sun shining into your eyes, but a pure, even, brilliance that makes you just want to look at it. Interestingly, the light doesn’t flow out through the doorway and into the corridor. It seems to stay just behind the door. I take a step closer to the doorway, and the light, and just wonder what to do. Again the figure is communicating with me somehow and he’s reassuring me it’s safe.
I start by putting my hand and forearm through the doorway. Once my hand is in the light, I can’t see it any more. It’s just part of the light. I doesn’t hurt at all just very eerie not being able to see my hand. I’m really not scared, just interested and a bit apprehensive. Once again the figure reassures me that it’s safe and that this is what I’ve been looking for. He tells me, not verbally as always, that I should enter the light. So I take my next step.
It’s a bit unsettling to take a step into the light and to watch my leg disappear from view, but I’d decided to step boldly into this light so I kept going without delay. There was no pain, in fact it was the opposite, all the small pains I didn’t even realise I had were lifted and I felt 100% pain free for the first time. It’s impossible to describe how this feels.

Now, I can’t see any part of my body as it’s all part of the light. Do I have a body? I can’t tell. I can’t feel any of the normal sensations of having a body. I’d use my hand to try to touch my body, but I don’t know where my hand is and I can’t see how to manipulate it. There’s nothing to see in here except the beautiful, pure light. It is so beautiful that I could look at this forever. Again, it’s hard to describe, it’s just a pure white light but it seems to contain and convey all the beauty in the world.
There is a sensation of floating. All the pressures of life have gone and all the weight I had on my shoulders is gone. For the first time I can remember I have no worries or concerns. Time does not exist here because it doesn’t need to.
Now I sense that I am home. I can’t explain why, but I am home. There is nothing but purity and peace here. The light is everything and I am part of the light. Contentment is unavoidable and this brings a profound joy.
It’s at this point that I wake and realise I’m in my bed at home. Back to normal living, but the experience of being in the light is something I just can’t forget.

As I said earlier this dream of light hasn’t left me. I can still remember it plain as day. It certainly gave me the feeling that I was being shown what we really are, that the pure white light represented our true essence. The feeling of weightlessness and painlessness, almost to the point of not existing, is also hard to explain. I remember thinking “this is how easy things can be, there’s no need for everything to be hard”. I don’t think I’ll ever forget these “dream of light” feelings; but then, on the other hand, I forget them every day as the trials and tribulations of life often get the better of me.
I wish I knew where that door was and I could go back there from time to time to relive the dream of light. Or is it with me all the time?
Related Links
- A Star and the World of Light
- Space – can emptiness lead us to truth?
- I found this quote somewhat matching my experience “I’m in whitish space, endless neutral light.” from this page – Time, space and physics in lucid dreams – on deepluciddreaming.com
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